FIT FANS is a FREE health programme for men and women aged 35-65 who are looking to lose weight, get fitter and lead a more active life.

Is FIT FANS for you?

  • Are you aged 35-65?
  • Do have a BMI of 28+? (use a BMI Calculator to check)
  • Does your waist measure more than 38in males or 31in females?

What does the FIT FANS programme look like?

  • 12 FREE weekly sessions at your local football club
  • Meet other football fans on the same journey as you
  • Learn how to make better choices to improve your lifestyle and health
  • Be supported through your journey by club staff

FIT FANS has helped 1000’s of people – football fans just like you – to achieve long-term improvements in weight loss, physical activity, diet and general wellbeing. Participants on average lost over 5% of their body weight during the 12 week programme.

"Hi, Matt here and I’m a health and well-being coach for fit bluebirds. Personal trainer of 12 years that enjoys helping educate people on nutrition and find enjoyment in exercise!"

"Hi, my name is Naz and I’m passionate about fitness and helping people live a healthier lifestyle. I am visually impaired but don’t let that stop me from taking part in physical activity!"

Express your interest below!

FIT Bluebirds: Expression of Interest

Participants Details and Information

Consent Information


Learn more about Steph and how Fit Bluebirds 'saved her life!'

Steph's Story

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