Premier League Primary Stars

Premier League Primary Stars is an innovative project aiming to change the lives of primary school children through the power of sport.

Why the project is needed?

Dydy 1 plentyn o bob 3 yng Nghymru ddim yn cymryd rhan yn y lefel o weithgarwch corfforol a argymhellir.

How did we help?

Fe wnaethom ddarparu 2485 o sesiynau Addysg Gorfforol ac ystafell ddosbarth i 72 o ysgolion cynradd ledled de Cymru.

What are the results?

Dywedodd 93% o’r cyfranogwyr wrthym eu bod yn mwynhau gwersi Addysg Gorfforol a chwaraeon.


Sut mae’n gweithio

Mae’r prosiect yn rhan o raglen Blynyddoedd Cynnar a Datblygiad Sylfaenol y Sefydliad a’i nod yw sicrhau canlyniadau cadarnhaol yn y meysydd canlynol:

  • Lles corfforol, emosiynol a meddyliol plant
  • Agweddau plant tuag at ddysgu
  • Gwella hyder a hunan-barch plant
  • Sgiliau, gwybodaeth a hyder yr athro wrth gyflwyno Addysg Gorfforol a chwaraeon mewn ysgolion
  • Cyfleoedd i blant gymryd rhan mewn chwaraeon a gweithgarwch corfforol allgyrsiol


Head in the Game – Mentoring & Wellbeing

Duration: 12 Weeks

Cost: £1800

Year Group/s: 3-6

Project Aims:

  • Improved mental & physical well-being
  • Improved interpersonal relationships
  • Feel inspired & engaged
  • Demonstrate more positive behaviors
  • More positive attitudes towards others.

What’s Included?

Here is an overview of the 12-week "Head in the Game" offer that will be delivered throughout the project:

  • Introduction
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Recognising Emotions
  • Dream Big
  • Communication Skills
  • Mental Health Top Tips
  • Communication Skills part two
  • Managing Emotions
  • Healthy Relationships part two
  • Dream Big part two
  • My Action Plan
  • Celebration Event


New Club, New school - Y6 School Transition

Duration: 6 Weeks

Cost: £900

Year Group/s: 6

Project Aims:

  • Building confidence and resilience
  • Improve social and emotional wellbeing
  • Create opportunities to engage with cluster schools
  • Support with transition to secondary school
  • Improve pupils' confidence and self-esteem
  • Collaboration with school staff to support transition

What’s Included?

Here is an overview of the 6-week "New club, new school" offer that will be delivered throughout the project:

  • Week 1: All about me
  • Week 2: Star qualities
  • Week 3: Feelings & emotions
  • Week 4: Changes
  • Week 5: My new club
  • Week 6: My Transition action plan

Rhoi hyder, sgiliau a hunan-barch i blant ifanc

Mae ein cynnig i ysgolion cynradd ar gyfer blwyddyn academaidd 2021.22 ar gael isod:


Dim ond £288 yw costau ein cynnig craidd a bydd ysgolion partner yn cael:

  • 2 sesiwn cwricwlwm 1 awr bob wythnos dros gyfnod o 12 wythnos (AM DDIM)
  • Clwb ar ôl ysgol wythnosol 1 awr am chwe wythnos
  • Mentora Athrawon yn ystod sesiynau Addysg Gorfforol
  • DPP digidol i’r ysgol ddwywaith y flwyddyn
  • Sesiwn DPP Wyneb yn Wyneb i Athrawon ar safle eich ysgol
  • Mynediad at gystadlaethau digidol ac wyneb yn wyneb
  • Mynediad at Ysgogiad ym maes Addysg


Ar gyfer ysgolion sy’n dymuno cael y Sylfaen yn eu hysgol drwy gydol y flwyddyn academaidd, mae Dewis 2 yn costio £3,528 yn unig, ac mae pob ysgol sydd wedi cofrestru yn cael:

  • 2 x sesiwn hyfforddi’r cwricwlwm am 1 awr bob wythnos dros gyfnod o 36 wythnos**
  • 1 awr yr wythnos, brecwast, amser cinio, neu sesiwn clwb ar ôl ysgol am 36 wythnos
  • DPP digidol i’r ysgol ddwywaith y flwyddyn
  • Sesiwn DPP wyneb yn wyneb i athrawon ar safle eich ysgol
  • Mynediad at gystadlaethau digidol ac wyneb yn wyneb
  • Mynediad at brosesau ysgogi ym maes addysg

** Y 6 wythnos gyntaf AM DDIM

Oherwydd y galw, mae llefydd cofrestru ar gyfer y prosiect yn gyfyngedig. Felly, rydyn ni'n eich annog i fynegi diddordeb cyn gynted ag sy’n gyfleus i chi er mwyn osgoi cael eich siomi.


Enrichment Activities

As a partner school, you’ll have access to the following:

  • Player Visits
  • Cardiff City Stadium Tours
  • Futsal Sessions at House of Sport
  • Termly Digital Competitions
  • Afterschool Clubs
  • Cardiff City FC Matchday Tickets
  • Celebrating Success Events

Find more information about each programme using our readable version below or download using the following link:

Due to demand, there are limited spaces available to sign up for each programme using ‘Express your interest’ form below. We therefore encourage you to express an interest at your earliest convenience to avoid disappointment.

Please contact our Early Years & Primary Education Coordinator at if you require any further information.

Express your interest today!

Premier League Primary Stars: Expression of Interest

School Information

Contact Information

Delivery Information

What is your preferred day of delivery? Please select in order of preference: 

What is your preferred term of delivery? Please select in order of preference: 

Rydym yn defnyddio cwcis i sicrhau eich bod yn cael y profiad gorau ar ein gwefan