Gweithio mewn partneriaeth â ni

Charity Partnership

Partneriaethau Corfforaethol

Mae ein partneriaid yn gwerthfawrogi ein bod yn cyrraedd bob cwr o dde Cymru, ein rhwydweithiau a’n brand dibynadwy. Byddwn yn gweithio gyda chi i greu partneriaeth unigryw sy’n diwallu anghenion eich busnes, ar yr un pryd â chefnogi plant, pobl ifanc a theuluoedd yn ne Cymru i fynd i’r afael ag anghydraddoldebau.

Os oes gennych chi ddiddordeb mewn partneriaeth Elusen y Flwyddyn, datblygu eich brand drwy ein cyfleoedd noddi, neu os ydych yn chwilio am ffyrdd arloesol o ymgysylltu â’ch gweithwyr, gallwn eich cefnogi i ddangos eich ymrwymiad i’r gymuned leol.

Pam bod yn bartner i ni?

  • Byddwn yn gweithio gyda chi i sicrhau eich bod yn cael yr effaith gymdeithasol sydd ei hangen arnoch ac yn cyflawni eich amcanion CSR.
  • Mae gennym fynediad at gynulleidfa eang ar draws nifer o sianeli cyfathrebu sy’n barod i hyrwyddo ein partneriaethau.
  • Gallwn gynnig nawdd ar amrywiaeth eang o’n prosiectau, gan roi cyfleoedd brandio pwerus i’ch busnes sy’n cyd-fynd â’ch gwerthoedd.
  • Mae gennym enw da am ffurfio partneriaethau corfforaethol llwyddiannus mewn ystod eang o sectorau.
  • Gallwn eich cefnogi gyda gweithgareddau ymgysylltu ystyrlon â gweithwyr a fydd yn dod â nhw’n nes at y busnes a’u cymuned leol.

Cysylltwch â ni yn awr i gael rhagor o wybodaeth drwy neu 029 2023 1212.

School Partnership

Your business has the power to make an extraordinary impact on our work with those who are most vulnerable in our communities. By becoming a Primary School Partner, your support will directly benefit those we work with, and allow us to extend the reach and impact of what we do.​

Our multi-skilled and passionate workforce will deliver to the Primary School:

- 12 week programme for £4,000

- 6 week programme for £2,000

Your support will provide:

  • Physical Education lessons.​
  • Targeted lesson delivery and interventions (numeracy, literacy, personal & social education)​
  • Social Action Projects and class-based activities to support the Curriculum for Wales.
  • Access to competitions and events. ​
  • Teacher mentoring to support further physical education lessons​
  • Digital teaching resources.

In return, your business will receive:

  • ​Use of Cardiff City FC Community Foundation Charity Partner logo​
  • Stadium Tour
  • Invitations to our events e.g. Annual Impact event
  • Early bird access to our fundraising events​ e.g Charity Abseil
  • Logo and hyperlink to your business on Partners webpage​
  • Regular updates on our work and what your support has enabled​
  • Dedicated Account Manager

Social Value Partner

We are the leading sport for social value organisation in Wales. From education and training programmes to social action projects we can help you demonstrate and deliver economic, social and environmental benefit.

Our approach:

  • Co-design and deliver part of your social value programme in line with UN Sustainability Goals, Future Generations Act Wellbeing Goals.
  • Create compelling and competitive social value solutions that help transform people’s lives, while playing a catalytic role in the regeneration of local economies and communities.
  • Report against social value KPIs ensure alignment with UN Sustainability Goals, Future Generations Act and procurement KPIs.

Benefits to your business:

  1. Collective advantage: Your organisation maintains and strengthens its differentiated position in the industry, demonstrating to everyone that a committed and viable approach toward social value has been adopted.
  2. Bid support: There’s a committed team to work with you on bid preparation, including quantitative and qualitative data, case studies and reviews.
  3. Monitoring and evaluation: support during the delivery of your contracts, providing data on success and progress that can be fed back to customers.
  4. Volunteering opportunities: You’ll foster employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention by providing meaningful and skills-based opportunities for your employees to volunteer and engage with their local communities.
  5. Strengthened business profile: This will happen among your existing customers and potential new ones, external organisations, local communities and nationally, allowing you to exploit your partner’s brand association and their stakeholders’ platforms.

Contact us today on or 029 2023 1212 to find out more.

Rydym yn defnyddio cwcis i sicrhau eich bod yn cael y profiad gorau ar ein gwefan