Gwersylloedd Gwyliau Gallu'r Adar Gleision

Bydd sesiynau gwyliau am ddim yn rhedeg ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc ag anabledd yn ystod gwyliau hanner tymor...

Supported by Children in Need, we run regular, free holiday sessions for children and young people during the school holidays. These sessions are delivered as a group activity and are pan-disability.

Our forthcoming sessions are:

Tuesday 26th October

10am – 12pm – School years 1-6 (ages 5-11)

1pm – 3pm – School years 7-11 (ages 11-16)

Wednesday 27th October

10am – 12pm – School years 1-6 (ages 5-11)

1pm – 3pm – School years 7-11 (ages 11-16)

Sign up here!

Sign up here!

Bluebirds Ability: Disability Football Sign Up

Participants Details and Information

Consent Information

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