Sian and Dave’s Story

Sian and Dave’s Journey to Health and Happiness through Fit Bluebirds

In January 2024, husband and wife Sian and Dave joined the Llanrumney cohort of our Fit Bluebirds programme. It was their daughter Claire, who had previously completed the Fit Fans initiative, that encouraged them to join, believing they would enjoy and benefit from it. Looking for something to reignite their energy, they signed up together, hoping it would give them a renewed sense of purpose.

Both Sian and Dave found themselves stuck in a routine that left little room for healthy habits. With busy schedules as grandparents, they often neglected their own wellbeing, making poor food choices and feeling unmotivated to exercise.They needed a new approach, something that would put a spring in their step and help them feel more energetic.

What does the FIT Bluebirds programme look like?

FIT Bluebirds is a FREE health programme for men and women aged 35-65 who are looking to lose weight, get fitter and lead a more active life. Over 12 weekly sessions, meet other Cardiff City fans on the same journey as you and learn how to make better choices to improve your lifestyle and health.


Where are they now?

Both Dave and Sian saw significant physical improvements. Dave lost 7kg and Sian lost 4kg, but more importantly, they made lasting changes in their lives. They started making healthier food choices, like swapping chips for boiled potatoes or salads, and incorporating protein-rich snacks into their diets. These small, achievable adjustments not only improved their nutrition but also felt sustainable in the long term.

Since completing the programme, Sian and Dave have remained committed to daily walks, regularly monitoring their weight and blood pressure, and continue attending weekly circuit sessions led by Fit Bluebirds Coach Matt. These sessions offer ongoing support to past participants, helping them stay fit and healthy, beyond the Fit Bluebirds programme.

Dave even joined our walking football session, and cycling has become a regular part of his routine. Meanwhile, Sian has rejoined her weekly Tai Chi class with a fresh perspective and newfound motivation.

Dave, who was voted Players’ Player by his group, shared, “We feel healthier, and now we can easily keep up with the grandchildren!” He added, “The programme didn’t just improve my physical health—it made me a happier person.”  Sian confirming - “And he’s definitely a happier man to live with!”

One of the key elements that made Fit Bluebirds so effective for Sian and Dave was the fact that they did it together. By holding each other accountable, they found they were working as a team. This newfound joy and vitality have also spread throughout their family, giving them a renewed energy as busy grandparents

Fit Bluebirds gave them more than just physical health improvements—it gave them the tools to maintain a balanced and happy lifestyle together, ensuring they stay fit and healthy for years to come. This programme, part of the EFL's FIT FANS initiative, has helped thousands of people like Sian and Dave achieve long-term improvements in weight loss, physical activity, diet, and overall wellbeing, making them healthier and happier for themselves and their loved ones.

Partner with us

Partnering with Cardiff City FC Community Foundation offers businesses the chance to make a real difference on the lives of individuals like Sian and Dave. Business communities can play a crucial role in addressing health inequalities by helping to fund and support initiatives that educate, engage, and empower people across South Wales. Together, we can make a difference that lasts a lifetime.


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