Cardiff City FC Community Foundation welcomes new Partnership with Hodge
What is Summer School?
Last week I attended the One Welsh Public Service Summer School 2023. Summer School is an intensive, 5 day residential learning experience bringing together leaders to address key issues on a specific leadership topic.
The theme of this year's Summer School was:
‘Supporting leaders today to create a brighter tomorrow for Welsh Public Services - a celebration of 10 years'
The events of recent years have transformed the way we work, accelerating trends that were already in play and calling into question many things we took for granted. Today’s leaders need to consider how to respond to a volatile uncertain external environment, collaborate effectively and maintain a focus on equality, diversity, and inclusion.
What topics were covered at Summer School?
The Summer School experience provided the opportunity to attend a range of keynote presentations and workshops delivered by authors, academics and public sector leaders.
Day 1 introduced the challenges facing public sector leaders. We heard about toxic workplaces and cultures and the impact of structural racism and discrimination.
Day 2 provided insight into how the decisions we make are affected by socioeconomic and cultural changes.
Day 3 explored the power of compassionate conversations as an approach to bridge divides.
Day 4 explored hubris and how to avoid it before considering the transformative change needed to secure the future we want.
Day 5 considered how we can find solutions in tough times through resilience, relationships and collaboration.
Each day was expertly Chaired by a prominent public sector leader, each with a strong connection to Academi Wales.
What were the highlights?
The week was full of highlights. I’ve limited myself to 3 stand out keynote presentations.
- Thimon de Jong’s keynote presentation on Future Human Behaviour was as insightful as it was energetic. He explored navigating the ‘polycrisis’, understanding the perspectives of different generations and connecting better with(out) technology.
- Dr Andy Cope introduced us to the power of positive psychology in his keynote ‘The Art of Being Brilliant’. Delivered with humour and humility his presentation provided useful tips and tools for boosting our own wellbeing and that of others.
- Baroness Casey of Blackstock, Louise as she prefers to be called, delivered an emotional keynote about leading in challenging times. There was not a dry eye in the house as she took the audience on a tour through a life in public service. I was struck by her courage to be honest when times are tough, her commitment to find solutions when none seem possible and her faith in humanity.
What are my key takeaways?
- The power of positivity - we can all make a choice to be more positive. It’s a learned behaviour. By adopting some simple everyday ‘hacks’ like gratefulness and the 4-minute rule we can improve our own outlook and build resilience. Positivity is also infectious and through their own actions leaders can create a ripple of effervescence. If that’s not compelling enough ‘I’m stuck with myself so it might as well be the best version of me’.
- Listen and be vulnerable - Trust is the foundation of effective teams. It creates safety and when colleagues feel safe with each other they can share, learn and take appropriate risks. To build trust leaders must be prepared to listen (to understand) and be prepared to be vulnerable.
- Laughter aids learning - Building on the first two takeaways is a reminder that laughter aids learning. I was fortunate to be part of an ‘application group’ made up of delegates from across the public sector and expertly guided by two facilitators. The group environment was based on a foundation of trust and full of positivity. The group were vulnerable with each other, shared lived experiences, lifted each other up, and laughed together. The laughter aided the learning and will stay with me forever.
To summarise
To summarise, Summer School provided a unique opportunity to listen and learn. It was a truly immersive experience which exceeded my expectations.
I leave with strategies to be more positive, to build resilience, to understand others, to be inspired (and in turn inspire others) and to see opportunity in challenging times.
I feel renewed renewed, reinvigorated and committed to applying my learning to support the Cardiff City FC Community Foundation team, the public bodies we collaborate with and the communities we serve.