Ralphy's Story
Harnessing the love of Cardiff City FC to create a positive future...
We always want to celebrate the success of our beneficiaries, take a look at how we've changed the lives of people in our communities.
Ralphy's Story
Harnessing the love of Cardiff City FC to create a positive future...
Ashley's Story
Providing a road to recovery through our Armed Forces Veterans Hub...
Stephanie's Story
FIT Bluebirds was a safe space for Steph when she needed it the most...
Lauren's Story
Through our 'Head in the Game' project, Lauren has managed to get the support she needs to get her life back on track...
Nirushan's Story
Through our youth outreach project, Nirushan grasped opportunities with both hands...
Dylan's Story
After being excluded from school, Dylan was referred to our Targeted Intervention programme to help him get back on track...
Georgina's Story
Through Premier League Changemakers, Georgina has found clarity on what she wants her future to look like...
Ehab's Story
Ehab enrolled on our Future Pathways programme after a difficult path in education...
Nadine's Story
After finding herself unemployed for over a year, Nadine was determined not to let her Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) get in the way of her ambitions…
Cordell's Story
Teenager Cordell was struggling to find an outlet for his love of football. After undergoing a leg amputation following a childhood accident, and the impact this has on his confidence...
Mel's Story
Army veteran Mel was battling isolation, mental health, and addiction issues when he became involved in our Positive Pathways project...
Ryan's Story
Nine-year-old Ryan from Cardiff often struggled when trying anything new, our coaches worked closely with Ryan to build rapport and trust...