Primary to Secondary Transition

The Transition Project helps children with the transition from primary to secondary education...

Cardiff City FC Foundation has branched out and created a unique aspect of our Primary Stars offer, the Transition Project. The programme aims to reduce anxiety about change associated with transition into secondary school.

We look to develop or maintain pupil’s motivation and positive attitudes during a significant period in the lives of young people, equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to be confident and competent to fully access post-transition opportunities, develop the tools and skills to deal with the emotional challenges of transition and increase the amount of physical activity undertaken each week.

Supporting a smooth transition from primary to secondary education

The Bluebirds Charity delivers sessions to targeted primary schools for six months prior to the children transitioning into secondary school, during the school summer holidays, and for the first three months of their time in secondary school.

These sessions take place for one afternoon in each primary school, followed by an extra-curricular session and a community-based project following the school day.

Once the transition has been made into secondary school the Foundation staff member will be working with the young people in their secondary school for two days per week.

The days follow a similar routine to the previous six months in primary school with the staff member engaging with the children in the afternoon post-lunch, followed by an extra-curricular activity and community-based project. Target groups are between 10-15 young people per primary school.

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