Leave a gift in your will

Leaving a gift in your will is less about the here and now, and more about the impact you can have on future generations.

Leaving a gift in your will is less about the here and now, and more about the impact you can have on future generations. Your support could help us to provide opportunities for hundreds of children and young people in our community. Regardless of the size of your gift, we can guarantee that your legacy will make a difference.

Why make a will?

Writing a will is a very important and personal process that has the capacity to provide help and support to people, causes, and charities that are close to your heart, for many years after your passing. Without a will, the law sets out clear intestacy rules as to how your estate is distributed, which may not be in line with your wishes.

Making a will is simple and it is one of the most helpful and impactful things you can do to ensure that all beneficiaries of your choosing receive the inheritance that you feel is due to them.

As a registered charity, your gift to the Cardiff City FC Foundation is exempt from inheritance tax, and by leaving a gift, you could reduce your overall inheritance tax bill. For more information on how this might affect you, please see the HMRC website or speak to your solicitor.

How could my gift make a difference?

Remembering the Cardiff City FC Foundation in your will has the potential to make a positive impact on countless lives in a variety of different ways:

  • Supporting future generations to reach their potential and lead healthier, more active lives
  • Improving education and employment opportunities for young people in our community
  • Reducing offending and reoffending, making our communities safer for everyone

How do I make a gift in my will?

We strongly advise you to consult a legal advisor before making or amending your will. They will be able to give you advice on the types of gifts and bequests that can be made by you, based on your wishes and financial circumstances.

There are different types of gifts that you can make in your will, with the most common ones being:

  • A PECUNIARY gift is a fixed sum of money.
  • A SPECIFIC gift is a specific item or possession, such as property, land, shares, or a piece of art.
  • A RESIDUARY gift is usually where a percentage (%) of the remainder of your estate is left, after allowing for expenses, pecuniary and specific bequests. Many people choose to leave a residual gift because it maintains its value with inflation.

You can download some of our suggested will wording to share with your solicitor here.

Next Steps

You don’t have to tell us about your intentions, but we’d love it if you did. This allows us to discuss the next steps and ensure we can fulfill your wishes.

Get in touch on 029 2023 1212 or fundraising@cardiffcityfc.org.uk. Please be assured your correspondence will be dealt with in confidence.

Contact Us

We strongly advise that you seek professional advice from your solicitor when writing or amending your will.

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